#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 35: Let It Breathe

#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 35: Let It Breathe

Remember yesterday when I mentioned my budding affair with Alo Moves? Well, not only has it helped improve my technique in yoga styles I’ve practiced for years, but it introduced me to to something new-to-me.


Breathwork is essential to having a well-rounded yoga practice. So when I came across Kriya yoga in one of the Alo sessions, I was intrigued. This style provides the ultimate intersection between breath and movement, creating fire in the body with minimal movement and maximum breath. Some of the benefits of Kriya yoga include:

  • Increases energy
  • Balances the emotions
  • Encourages calm
  • Improves mental clarity

Okay, on to today’s practice:

The Instructor: Yoga with Maria
The Practice: Kriya Yoga (10 minutes)

Here’s a short introduction to Kriya yoga. All you need is your mat, your body, and (maybe) a folded blanket to support your seat. It’s only ten minutes and will give your body and brain the break it deserves. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the practice in the comments below!

See you on the mat tomorrow!
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