#YogaEveryDamnWeek: Nerves and ‘The New’

#YogaEveryDamnWeek: Nerves and ‘The New’

Since I started grad school last fall, opportunities to have new experiences have extended past the classroom. Part of my curriculum this semester is my practicum assignment, which is based on my work with a poetry collective. My practicum has not only expanded my education but it’s given me so many opportunities to make professional pathways within the poetry community. I keep myself open in this space, learning from talented and gifted people everyday.

Then I get asked to do ‘the new’ – awesome but slightly scary things – like…emcee a poetry slam.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m grateful for every opportunity I receive during my grad school journey. Manifestation and hard work brought me this far so I know what’s for me won’t miss me – including this emcee gig. My nervous system, however, wasn’t quite convinced. So, during the month leading up to the event, I relied more heavily on yoga to keep my nerves at bay. Adding a PM session to my daily practice was particularly helpful, giving me a chance to release before bed every night.

By the time I was onstage last night for the poetry slam, my nerves had settled substantially. I was alert, focused, and upbeat throughout the two-hour event, engaging the audience and standing in awe of the raw talent speaking their truths into the mic. I owe that, in part, to my practice. While yoga is not a cure-all, it can be a salve for mild cases of anxiety similar to what I felt when confronted with ‘the new’. The confirmation of its’ healing effects begins with my inner self: my body loosened and my mind was calmed.

That said, receiving praise like this from my practicum director let me know that my practice is working:

Your #YogaEveryDamnWeek-ly Mantra:

I embrace the new with grace.

I talk about giving ourselves grace often on the blog, mainly as a reminder to myself. This week’s mantra keeps us grounded in the present when something fresh comes into our lives. Perhaps you have a new relationship developing or you are trying to establish healthier habits. Embracing ‘the new’ can be challenging, so I hope that this week’s mantra will keep grace top of mind for you.

Yoga Pose of the Week:
Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

A pose I did a lot of during the month before the poetry slam was this one. Viparita Karani is not only good for calming the nervous system, but it’s one of the most accessible yoga poses ever. In fact, you don’t even need a wall! The next time your nerves get the best of you, find a wall (or not!) and lift those legs to the ceiling!

That’s all I got for this week. Hit me in the comments below or in the DMs on the socials to let me know how you plan on embracing ‘the new’ this week!

See you on the mat next week!
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