
I come from King Drive on the Southside of Chicago, which is where I first encountered the idea of ‘groundedness’ as an eight year old girl. While watching Priscilla Patrick on public access television, I contorted myself into my very first yoga pose (a Downward Dog, natch). Nearly four decades later, I haven’t stopped posing since – which proved to be a good…and a not-so-good thing.

I turned 40 a year before COVID hit (the pandemic before the pandemic, if you will). As one tends to do during this chronological milestone, I began to reflect and I realized there were areas of my life I wasn’t living authentically in. 

With the support of my family and, like, three friends, I made some grown woman choices over the following five years: I got sober (meaning I DID NOT DRINK DURING QUARANTINE APPLAUD ME), changed careers, earned my Masters, and started training to become a Pilates instructor.

That last one – the Pilates instructor stuff – is probably what led you here today (unless you had your heart set on discussing the library sciences, which means you should probably hit me on LinkedIn instead. Sorry for the confusion, fellow booknerd!). 

Being mentored by my college friend and Pilates queen Rachel at Size Diverse Pilates has been one of the most transformational experiences of my life. Now, as a Goddess Grounded, I want to bring that experience to you!

Where do we begin? Well, that’s super easy: just click this link to schedule a FREE 30-minute session with me. I’m available in person or via Zoom and you won’t need any fancy-schmancy equipment – just your body! During our first session, you will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of Pilates
  • Try out some easy-to-follow poses
  • Get to tell me (if you wish) how you are feeling in your body and mind

Are you ready to #GetGrounded with me? If so, click here and let’s make some magic happen in your body!

Feel free to follow GG on these platforms:
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