“You don’t need to fear what’s coming next. Instead, you need to care for what you have now so every part of you is healthy, whole, and ready for the future you are crafting–one where your limitations decrease, your passion grows, and your dreams are made real.”
Create Through the Fear by Teshelle Combs
One-Click HERE – FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
Teshelle Combs has dabbled in a few genres of the written form: poetry, sci fi, young adult, and fantasy (hell, she even paints!). Her bibliography is set to grow by at least fifty additional reads in 2020 alone, thanks to her self-imposed 50 Books in 52 Weeks challenge.
Yeah, you read that correctly: the multi-hyphenate writer plans to release fifty poetry collections this year. (I had an opportunity to read one of the collections, Love Bad, and I reviewed it HERE.)
So just how does Combs do it? How does she produce so many words in so little time? The author’s latest release answers that question with one word:
In her unique conversational tone and perspective, Combs’ Create Through The Fear is a behind-the-scenes look at her creative process and how the anxiety of fear keeps her sane when making art. This book answers the question she asks just pages in:
“How do I shake off the fear so I can actually plan the beautiful creative projects living in my mind?”
Another relatable and hilarious aspect of Create Through The Fear is the inside look Combs provides into her self-dialogue. There was a certain comfort that came from knowing that I’m not the only writer who manifests their creative struggles into bouts of procrastination and anxiety (I spoke about the former in a previous blog post.) As someone who took the leap toward being a full-time writer/painter, Combs is charismatic and engaging while tackling the challenges creatives in all stages of their artistic journey face.
“Fear is so often a part of a creative’s world. This book explores the role fear plays in every step of the creative process and offers tips on how to create despite those fears.”
Some of my favorite takeaways from Create Through The Fear:
• The connection Combs makes between creativity and imagination sets the tone for this creativity guide.
• Combs’ inspiring quotes will have your finger wearing our the highlight feature of your e-reader! As someone who keeps a notebook filled with motivational quotes, Combs speaking such words into existence like “Imagination is the superpower of humans” and “The truth is a direct combatant to fear” absolutely spoke to me – not only as a fellow creative, but as a human on her own spiritual journey.
• In addition to her sage advice about each step of the creative process (nine in total), Combs includes Your Turn pages – transforming the book from a lecture piece into an interactive workbook of sorts.
Create Through The Fear is a must read for all artists! You can grab the guide HERE (free on KU!) and you can catch up with Teshelle Combs on Facebook and Instagram.
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