What have been the most defining moments
that have helped shape my life?
Okay, I’m 50% done with this blog challenge
& I’m being lazy today so here’s a chronological listicle m’kay?
- Being born (duh)
- When I was four, I was at a barbeque. I was following my older cousin out of the door and she accidently let it slam against my head. I still have a scar in my right eyebrow that makes it IMPOSSIBLE for me to have Taraji P. Henson-level brows.
- My first concert (New Kids on the Block, Coca-Cola Tour 1990)
- My first tongue kiss in my classroom’s coatroom
- My grandmother’s death
- My grandfather’s death six months later
- My mother telling me she was pregnant with my brother, an announcement that was made while she was braiding my hair. She was hormonal. I was a bitchy 13-year-old. It was awkward.
- The day I met my first love
- The afternoon I lost my virginity* to said first love. (*I no longer believe in the patriarchal concept of virginity but that was my vernacular at the time, so…yep)
- The night my first love broke up with me over the phone
- Getting accepted into college
- Moving into my dorm room
- The first time I smoked weed. After the sesh, I bought a Family Size bag of Cheetos and two Arizona Iced Teas. We call that dinner.
- The first time a dude dogged me out. He has manboobs now. We call that karma.
- There was a herpes outbreak on my college campus my sophomore year. The school compiled a contact tracing list to figure out who all may have been exposed and guess whose name was on it? I, much like the entire experience, was negative.
- Meeting my then boyfriend/now husband when he emailed me by mistake
- My first time doing shrooms
- Graduating from college after my adviser did EVERYTHING in their power to keep from walking the stage
- Moving to Iowa City
- Getting engaged
- Planning my wedding (never.a.fucking.gain.)
- Getting married
- Giving birth for the first time
- Moving into our first house
- Finding out I was having a baby girl
- Giving birth for the second and final time
- My first session with my therapist
- Publishing my first novel (it’s permafree on Kindle, FYI)
- Going on a childfree trip to Vegas with my husband
- Being selected for Pitch Wars
- Quitting a job after five months
- Becoming a librarian
- Hitting one year of sobriety
- Losing all of baby weight (53 lbs.)
- Starting this blog challenge after a year of minimal writing
And so, so many more defining moments to experience, I hope.
More tomorrow. Thanx for reading. Bye.
(Click HERE to see previous #NaBloPoMo posts!)
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