#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 29: Hot Yoga Recovery Tips

#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 29: Hot Yoga Recovery Tips

It’s no secret that I love me some hot yoga. The aftereffects of the practice is what really attracts me to the yoga style. There was a time in my life when I hated (!) to sweat. Except for a terrible go at high school cross country running and a stint as a college cheerleader, I was never someone you would have considered athletic. Even in what I candidly refer to as my Tae-Bo Twenties, the idea of sweating my hair out and breathing heavily without any instant gratification was unheard of.

Now that I’m in my forties, I welcome a good sweat during a workout. Not only does it satisfy my ego’s validation that work was done, but the purification impacts are top tier. The sweat that comes from hot yoga is another level of cleansing. Every session leaves me wrung out, refreshed and floating. Such a yummy body buzz…but how do you recover from such an intense practice?

  • Drink Up – Hot yoga recovery actually begins hours before you hit the mat. It’s important to be hydrated before practice begins, so guzzle the water at least two hours before practice.
  • Lay Down Somewhere – For many yogis, the final rest – or Savasana – can be the most difficult pose. After sweating for an hour, your body deserves a moment of stillness. Take your Savasana. Savor it. Give your body the grace to recover. You worked for it.
  • Keep It Light – The urge to stuff yourself silly after a grueling workout is normal, but be easy on your belly post-hot yoga. Whip up a smoothie or grab a handful of nuts to replenish after practice. And, of course, keep the water coming!

See you on the mat tomorrow!
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2 thoughts on “#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 29: Hot Yoga Recovery Tips

    1. Hi there – thanks for reading! I participate in hot yoga probably twice weekly. I might include a third session if I’m feeling adventurous but never more than that per week. As much as I love hot yoga, i love the simplicity of just me and my mat in room temperature much more. LOL!

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