So…it’s Monday.
Mondays get a bad rap. Some aren’t too bad but others? Ugh.
No matter how many #MondayMotivation posts we peep on the socials, sometimes, we can’t see it for Monday. The greatest irony is that it often makes us avoid the one thing that would make Monday better: exercise.
You don’t have to fall too far down the Google rabbit hole to find article upon article shouting out the benefits of morning yoga. But how do we muster up the #MondayMotivation to get our tired bodies on the mat?
- Start with Meditation with Movement – If the idea of waking up seems impossible on Monday morning, stay in bed. Yep, you read that right. Your bed is perfect for reaching for another of the eight limbs of yoga: dhyana, better known as meditation. Sitting upright in bed, turn on some soft music (or sit in silence) and begin an energizing practice combining breath and light movement: arms raises, neck stretches, wrist circles. These small movements may be the key in the ignition to take your motion to the mat.
- Journal It Out – Sometimes what keeps us off the mat is what’s going on inside our heads. Putting pen to paper and getting your feelings out can make the weight lighter when it’s time to practice.
- Show Your Sunny Side – I’ve said in past posts that yoga doesn’t have to be an hourlong affair. Whenever you aren’t in the mood to have a full practice, doing a series of sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) is more than enough to get a jumpstart on your Monday. No equipment (not even a mat!) is required and the energy boost comes your way in five minutes.
- Make it a #MusicMonday – No matter the day, starting my morning with some tunes always gets my energy pumping. Have a yoga playlist on hand to spark the motivation to get to the mat. (Bonus: I even have a few artist suggestions for you to start your playlist off right.)
- Warm It Up/Cool It Down – If having a lack of #MondayMotivation isn’t your problem, try using yoga as a way to bookend your regular physical exercise.
See you on the mat tomorrow!
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