I don’t know about you, but I love a Saturday – especially one like the one I’m having today. This is a Saturday where I was awakened by sunlight, not an alarm. After kissing my husband, checking my socials, reading another chapter of the Kindle mystery that has my attention, and doing a quick 5-minute mediation on my Balance app, I slipped on my workout clothes and set out for a walk.
The temperature was sweltering for 11am in the Midwest (88 degrees!), so I was a sweaty mess after a half-hour leisurely stroll. I still needed my time on the mat. Usually I like a good hour of power yoga on a Saturday, but I opted for a practice that matched the relaxing vibe I’d set in the morning…
Now, on to today’s practice:
The Instructor: Arianna Elizabeth of Bright + Salted Yoga
The Practice: Restorative Yoga with Props (45 mins)
This style of yoga is all about doing nothing – no flow, no complicated poses, no intricate breathing – and it is the style that is most complicated for me. I spent my 20s and 30s doing, working, striving, competing. It’s paid off in some ways but stunted my growth in other areas as well. As I continue to navigate my 40s, I’m learning to rest, to be. I’m unlearning the ‘girl boss’ mentality I honed for two decades of adulthood and indulging in a restorative yoga practice is a part of that re-education. this felt great after my walk and made me thankful for opportunities to rest. I will continue to work on adding more restorative yoga into my daily practice schedule. Happy Saturday, indeed!
See you on the mat tomorrow!
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3 thoughts on “#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 6: My Morning Walk”
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I like it Eliza. Slowing down and calming down with daily yoga for the past 5 years transformed my mind and blogging business. Being present has only upsides.
Thanks for reading!