#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 9: Mood Swings & Self Talk

#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 9: Mood Swings & Self Talk

Full disclosure: I’m not fasting this week.

I’ve mentioned before that I like to do at least one 24-hour fast every week but this week?

Ugh, IDK. I skipped starting my fast on Sunday night because my day ran long. I planned to make it up by starting last night, but I had a mood swing that could only be resolved by back-to-back Love & Hip Hop season premieres and copious amounts of sugar before bed. Today, I’m nursing a sugar hangover and fighting back negative self talk chiding me for not fasting this week like a good girl.

The above quote was the title of my interview with Sober Press back in 2020. I was a little over a year alcohol-free. My sobriety served as the impetus for me to revamp my private sector career into my librarian dream job I have now. I’m remembering this quote today, how important it is to give myself grace. So I didn’t fast this week – there’s always next week…or never again. Who knows? What I do know is that the aftereffects of my Sour Patch Candy binge last night didn’t keep me off the mat this morning – and, for that, I am grateful.

Now, on to today’s practice:

The Instructor: Kassandra Reinhardt of Yoga With Kassandra
The Practice: Vin-to-Yin Flow (1 hour)

After a half hour of stepping with weights (shoutout to Karla Luster’s Fit Outside the Box, whose awesome workouts kept my butt in motion during the pandemic and beyond!), I got into this unique practice. I’ve sung Kassandra’s praises before but what I particularly love about this practice was the combination of two distinct yoga styles: vinyasa & yin.

It begins with 30 minutes of flow, which added to the sweat I’d already accumulated during the step workout. The final half hour is a steady shift into yin yoga, which is several poses held for three minutes at a time. Bringing my body down from the heat of cardio, weights, and power yoga was essential for me, as I hate to leave a workout with my heart still pumping a mile a minute. We mustn’t underestimate the value of a cooldown, particularly on those days when our egos won’t let up and we are being hard on ourselves. Here’s hoping my day involves less sugar and self-effacement and more grace and grounding.

See you on the mat tomorrow!
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