#YogaEveryDamnWeek – Peace & Pianos

#YogaEveryDamnWeek – Peace & Pianos

Hey everyone! Just as I promised when we closed the chapter on #YogaEveryDamnDay, I’m back this Sunday morning to bring you #YogaEveryDamnWeek. This will be a hodgepodge of useful inspiration for you, a few updates about me, and (hopefully) some laughs in between. Let’s jump in…

Your #YogaEveryDamnWeek-ly Mantra:

I choose peace within my reach.

Not gon’ lie to you: choosing peace is hard AF sometimes. People will try you. Situations will test you. When things don’t go your way, you always have one thing accessible to you: peace. I end the mantra with ‘within my reach’ because peace may not look the way you envision it. Peace can look like…

  • a missed phone call
  • a cancelled meeting
  • a romantic or platonic breakup
  • your favorite song popping up on your playlist
  • a notice from the library saying the book you’ve been on the hold list for is available
  • a five-minute mediation (YES, YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES)
  • someone saying ‘thank you’ to you
  • three deep breaths

So this week, repeat the #YogaEveryDamnWeek-ly mantra to yourself whenever you think of it. Say it while you wait in traffic. Chant it during yoga. Write it on a Post-It note to bring it to mind. Know that peace is in every breath you take and it is yours for the taking. It’s a choice, tho…so choose wisely.

She’s Busy: My Weekly Rundown

  • Free Virtual Chair Yoga: Did you know that September is National Piano Month? It absolutely is and I can think of few instruments that provide better yoga background music than a piano. So be sure to join me for some virtual Chair Yoga with a piano accompaniment TOMORROW, Monday 9/19 at noon CT. on North Liberty Library’s Facebook page. All you need is a chair and your body. (Can’t make it or missed it? Click here for the replay.)

  • Yoga Challenge Coming Soon: My romance writing buddy Cassie Leigh and I were so inspired by super yogi Lesline Pittman‘s recent yoga challenge, so we are coming up with one of our own! Stay tuned to the blog or my LinkTree for more information (and yes, it’s beginner friendly!).

  • Black Authors Panel: Before I wrote about the awesomeness that is yoga, I wrote romance novels. Really sexy steamy romance novels. And lo and behold, someone invited me to talk all about them on Saturday 9/24 at the Soul & Blues Festival‘s Black Authors’ Panel. This should be fun and awkward, but I live for fun and awkward so come and check it out!

That’s all I got for this week. Let me know in the comments if you dig the new format or if it needs work. I’m open to suggestions but, as an Aquarius with a Capricorn Rising, I’ll warn you that I’ll probably just keep it the same so…feel free to comment, tho. 🙂

See you on the mat next week!
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