#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 12: Moon Rituals

#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 12: Moon Rituals

Full Moons are my favorite lunar cycles. It’s a time for release and celebration, the most active Mother Moon is all month. It’s a beautiful time for yoga, as I’ll explain below, but I also use this special event to indulge in rituals. Yesterday, I did my inner work underneath the Full Moon in Aquarius:

  • wrote my forgiveness list
  • completed a tarot spread
  • meditated before and after my yoga practice
  • set my crystals on a windowsill under the moonlight

Do you practice moon rituals? If so, leave your go-to moon tasks in the comments below.

I keep that thang on me.
(And by ‘that thang’, I mean oodles of amethyst!)

Now, on to today’s practice:

The Instructor: Black Yogi Nico Marie
The Practice: Full Moon Flow (40 minutes)

The night may have passed, but it’s still Full Moon vibes the day after. In that celestial spirit, I’m sharing the practice I did last night. One thing I love about Nico’s instruction is the way her voice puts you at ease as you flow. Since the Full Moon in Aquarius is all about relationships, Nico focuses on poses that open the heart and sacral chakras: lots of hip and heart openers. Props are optional but be careful with some of the backbends – there are three Camels in a row towards the close of the practice. That said, Nico will continue to be my go-to for new and full moon yoga rituals. If you need release anything on your heart this full moon (or at anytime), try this practice.

See you on the mat tomorrow!
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2 thoughts on “#YogaEveryDamnDay – Day 12: Moon Rituals

    1. Love that suggestion – I’m always looking to add to my rituals. Thanks for reading!

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